Tuesday 14 February 2012

doing it wrong!!!

The title needs you to think outside the box....doesn't necessarily mean doing things wrong but doing them differently...thou who stand out are thou that do it differently....
Am talking about relationships,careers,music,lifestyle,food,fashion and many other things that you could think of that the style of expressing it has change from what was there some decades ago...and if the outcome is actually more recognized than then its leaves me thinking what’s going to be there in some decades to come. But at the moment let's concentrate on the present but keep in mind the future....bending the rules, putting in some of your creation/art, executing with umf and some passion and of course some CONFIDENCE to be taken seriously then be assured that someone somewhere will applaud effort...
Remember if it needs you to do it wrong to achieve your visions...let’s take a drive on a highway and put on gear number 5 and let’s take a ride...